Wasn’t it nice when you could operate your MSP solely on technology, and talk to clients about this router versus that router, or this server versus that server. Unfortunately times have changed and with the growing cloud technologies you are not just selling servers but a multitude of different technologies (many of which your clients do not understand the difference of).
Business Speak
What is a Business Coach
Running a business is hard, as every decision rests on your shoulders, and can either make or break your business. With many business leaders looking for places to bounce ideas off, business coaching has become a common and important practice. A business coach is an experienced mentor who will assist and guide the business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business.
Stop the Spread of Covid in the Work Place
As many US cities are lifting lockdown restrictions, and people are starting to return back to the office, companies should look at implementing new safety precautions before allowing employees back. Have you thought about safety regulations for your workplace?
Business in 2021
2020 is a year that will never be forgotten, from the pandemic to the U.S. elections, and much more. With the pandemic sweeping through many businesses in the beginning of the year, and many businesses having to strategize throughout the year it will be hard to understand the full extent of the pandemic impact.
How to Bring Humanity into the World of Technology
There are five principles of customer service success, and when we follow those five principles we bring humanity into the world of technology. These five principles start with competence. Competence consist of sufficient technical competence in order to meet the requirements of the job description.
Change has Arrived
Alex Fields joins us to share how things have changed during the pandemic. As many of you know Alex has been a longtime community member who has shared so much about cloud services, and how to manage services in the cloud with other MSPs.
Digital Inclusion Technology Drive Road Trip 2021 Launched! Albuquerque, Austin, Boise, Seattle, Salt Lake City
Time to double down and SAFELY donate hardware to underserved communities during these changing and challenging times. Time to help close the digital divide that is only getting wider in the Covid-19 pandemic.