One to Watch: Refactr

Geek Speak

I recently hooked up with serial entrepreneur Michael Fraser about his new platform play Refactr. He’s committed to brining devops to the SMB Nation community whereby you could offer Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions to your customers.


It’s not lost on me or anyone that Fraser knows what he’s talking about. He is the winner of the $100k grand prize at a startup bakeoff at IT Nation 2018. Seriously – that’s street cred. Watch my wide-ranging interview HERE. Need more evidence? He's completing his Master's in Computer Science at the esteemed Seattle University while supporting his family and driving success at his latest startup, Refacr! They don't make folks like this anymore - lemme tell ya! 

PS - this is one to watch for another reason. Perhaps you have a great idea for the next great thing! Refactr is your partner in developing intellectual property.