There is much to talk about when it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) in the Food industry. There are several emerging Food Startups that have adapted IoF and have integrated it into their business processes. The trend of Internet of Food (IoF) is enormous, as business are experiencing major difference after adapting these technologies. Let’s look at two startups who are embracing IoT and bringing them into the food industry.
Business Speak
4 Tips for Starting Your Consulting Business
How to get a one-man consulting shop off the ground
By Tim Berry | Contributor
Thinking of starting as a consultant? Even in these tough times? Maybe you've always wanted to. Maybe some things just went wrong for you, so you have no choice; you have to.
I can help. I did consulting for Business International in the 1970s, for Creative Strategies in the 1980s,
5 Truths it Rarely Helps to Tell Your Client
Matt Keener
President of Keener Marketing Solutions
Some things are just better left unsaid. Knowing when to hold your tongue can make the difference between success and failure. To ensure success, avoid letting these phrases slip out of your mouth.
Mobile Apps – Your Blue Ocean Recurring Revenue Opportunity
Part 1 – Charting the Waters
Recurring revenue is the life-blood for IT consultants and managed service providers these days. The challenge for us is to find new products and services that can be added to staples like network management and Office 365,
Mobile-Optimized Website Builder with Smart Learning System Headlines New
GoDaddy Service for Managing a Complete Online Presence
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., January 25, 2016 – GoDaddy, the world’s largest cloud platform dedicated to small, independent ventures, today announced the launch of GoDaddy GoCentral, a new service that combines a mobile-optimized website builder with an integrated set of marketing and e-commerce tools to help anyone create an audience for their idea or business. GoCentral ushers in a new era of smart website creation defined by a focus on results, including attracting visitors and driving sales.
9 big small business social media no-nos
Social media marketers point out some of the biggest (and most costly) mistakes companies make when using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest – and offer advice on how to avoid making these social faux pas.
Serving State/Local/County Governments?
As part of our journey to help MSPs start-over with new technology solutions, we have encountered a very interesting conversation about serving the government sector. Its a different way to work with longer sales cycles, typically a "fixed" profit and slow decision-making. But the UPSIDE is that its very good work when you secure it. It's an atractive niche that should be strongly considered.
With that said, we are very interested in knowing IF you already work with state/local/country governments OR if you would like to. Can you kindly take two minutes to answer our short survey here.
Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEARS!