Registration Now OPEN: MSP Rescue East Coast

Business Speak

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! You can now register to participate in the next MSP Rescue roadshow workshop. It’s July 27, 2023 in Princeton, NJ – a location that is an epicenter between several large cities and easy to get to.

Why Attend?

It’s very simple: you asked for it. Over the past year with a number of economic fluctuations, the consensus was we need an in-person one day gathering to talk about everything MSP in 2023. You’ll enjoy our expert panelists presenting spot-on strategies for leveraging the madness confronting all MSPs.

What you’ll find:

  • Content that is IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE. The host, SMB Nation, is well-known for being an MSP content machine and the MSP Rescue Roadshow is no different. Custom content was developed for this gathering not available anywhere else.
  • “Blue Ocean” Inspiration and Motivation. The law of attraction is that optimistic successful people like successful people (and want to do business with them). Not only are our speakers and panelist esteemed and accomplished experts, so are many audience members.
  • You have QUESTIONS and we have ANSWERS. The event format is interactive.
  • Network Opportunities. Many MSPs believe the value of a LIVE EVENT is the in-person networking opportunities. This is true across any industry but particularly acute in the Small and Medium Business (SMB) space. Bring your business cards to share with peers that understand and get you.
  • You are NOT ALONE! Working as an SMB MSP, while thrilling, can also be lonely. One of the great compliments we have received at our events is that you discover we’re all in this together and you are not alone.



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